So proud of @kateagee for being selected by her classmates as the sophomore representative to the homecoming court at @lipscombacademy. The court was presented during halftime last night where @lamustangfb had and incredible win over CPA. Even with thunderstorms and COVID protocols, Kate rolled through all of it like everything was perfect. I am so very blessed to be the father of this wonderful young lady. #family #lahomecoming2020 #lipscombacademy
Home»Blog»Instagram»So proud of @kateagee for being selected by her classmates as the sophomore representative to the homecoming court at @lipscombacademy. The court was presented during halftime last night where @lamustangfb had and incredible win over CPA. Even with thunderstorms and COVID protocols, Kate rolled through all of it like everything was perfect. I am so very blessed to be the father of this wonderful young lady. #family #lahomecoming2020 #lipscombacademy